Business Development/Trade and Investments

Business Development and Trade

Basket One Consulting and Advisory Limited will take stock of evolving business strategies to improve the coherence of trade and investment policies and agreements including investment provisions that will address a broader spectrum of policy issues that also influencea clients’ strategies, including competition policy, state intervention, taxation and subsidies, financial flows, currency exchange rates, intellectual property rights protection, the movement of professionals, and data flows. Such approaches allow for greater policy coherence within trade agreements. Basket one consulting and Advisory Limited will also support the development of markets for Business Development Services, primarily through the capacity building of service deliverers and through interventions to improve the way markets work. We have considerable expertise, credibility, networks, tools and experiences that can assist governments, employers, workers and other development practitioners in their work. Our strongest involvement is in Business management training. In the area of management training, we have training tools that cover the whole spectrum of target groups from illiterate micro entrepreneurs to growth oriented small and medium scale entrepreneurs.

Our business development support evaluates and recommends strategic touchpoints and activities that will transform entrepreneurs’ businesses and lead to revenue growth.