Monitoring and Evaluation
Basket One Consulting and Advisory Limited demonstrates impact and value for money, excellence in monitoring and evaluation practice – with robust data collection and rigorous analysis of outcomes’ data – is critical. Setting appropriate outcome indicators enables you to assess the economic and social impact of your programmes. Establishing these from the outset helps you to measure progress and achievement effectively.
Our comprehensive range of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) services helps our clients in improving the performance of programs by addressing key policy issues using tried and tested tools for monitoring and evaluation. Together with an updated situation analysis, evaluation provides the basis for planning future programs. In our activities, we analyse the effectiveness of programs, monitoring the progress of activities and providing remedial programming where necessary.
To provide comprehensive monitoring and evaluation services, we rely on multiple techniques to examine the myriad relationships among different types of data.
We offer our clients programme design, monitoring and evaluation solutions encompassing complete programme cycles. We help our clients improve the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of their services, while providing accountability and insight. Our team has developed innovative methods to gain unprecedented access in sensitive and remote areas, gathering high quality data through tested and cultural-sensitive approaches.
We help our clients reduce financial waste by providing feedback rapidly and continuously to enable them make incorporate changes that will improve efficiency. We build on the success of our past work.
Basket One Consulting and Advisory Limited’s technical approach to designing, developing and implementing the monitoring and evaluation strategy is guided by its objective of collecting data that yields statistically reliable and valid results using the mixed methods approach.We will address critical components of survey methodology, including question formulation, subject privacy and confidentiality, subject solicitation, and pilot testing. In designing the monitoring and evaluation design. We will follow design guidelines, best practices and lessons learned that it has compiled through its review of current literature on evaluation design for projects

- Project Management
- Risk Mitigation and Evaluation
- Monitoring and Evaluations
- Business Development/Trade and Investments
- Change Management
- High Performance Training and Corporate Team Building
- Strategic Planning and Management
- Land Use and Environmental Management
- Process Regulatory Licenses and Permit
- Stakeholder engagement and consultation